Thursday 28 May 2009

6 months into work

Apologies to friends who have been faithful in coming back to my blog looking for updates as there hasn't been any for the past months. Really glad I am making the effort to share and reflect now, mainly about work (which I am glad too).

During the initial period of my job, I often felt lousy about myself because there was much I didn't know about. With 6 months of retrospect, I was real foolish and was too hard on myself. Everything was new and it's my first job, how could I expect myself to be competent? I have learned to tell my colleague who felt that I was learning slowly that she can do it, but I just can't. And it's perfectly fine! The best thing one can do for himself is to be happy with who he is and do his level-best.

Several of my friends/colleagues are curious why I joined the department. It's a far cry from my studies/research and it certainly doesn't require a PhD. It deals with legal contracts and is largely an administrative job. These comments originate from sincere concerns and I do take note of them. However, it’s often the unseen which is paramount. When work gets monotonous, I rely on the faith that there is a purpose. Values are ingrained in this season which will not happen elsewhere as I focus on my attitudes instead of the environment. I'm someone who values the learning process despite not knowing fully where the present journey is bringing me.

Having said that, while I am unsure of the route, I have aspirations in work. My desire is to make a difference through my work. For example, channeling NUS technologies to help poor people outside singapore. My mind by default is like a radar screen picking up opportunities. For example, when I hear of a rice crop with higher yields, I would immediately think about the mission trip to Indonesia and maybe bring it to them. Also example would be how technologies related to water could be used in the villages I see where people are using the same pool of water for many purposes.

It's possible to be a dreamer outside of God's will. Thus, it's critical for me to wait upon Him and be sensitive to His guidance. It makes perfect sense because ONLY His purposes shall prevail.

I am intending to write separate blog entries on different lessons I am learning through work, so stay tuned!

Take care, especially my long-distance friends (you know who you are)!

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