Saturday 30 January 2010

"God speaks in quiet corners"

A reason there is for inking
this entry in a poem.
Atune to how birds of the air
probably sing to another
with unique tunes and melody,
this is one composition
I pray God would use
to speak into her heart.

"God speaks in the quiet corners",
she says with conviction.
Impressed by the wisdom of her words,
she asks for it to be inscribed.
So a humble entry this is
in my pilgrimage with God,
sensing yet not exactly sure
where God is leading us to.

No way could I have imagined
that these writings posted online,
in a space more vast than the oceans
could minutely bridge two hearts
in the instance of a moment.
Perhaps one could sideline this
as mere coincidence or
simply the birth of a pure friendship;
but the peripherals of the circumstances
seem to reveal the hand of a Master
for a greater purpose.
Does God make mistakes?

Familiarity with me she has professed,
perhaps I realise not its significance
to a little girl residing within a lady
in a world full of dangers.
Can I provide the security she seeks;
I can't be certain except knowing
I desire to lean on God's providence
if He has called me to love her.

A chemistry beyond explanation;
joyful laughters springing from the heart,
beyond facial superficiality;
are these the works of divine knitting.
A rare sense of innocence,
coupled with witful cheekyness;
surely this is how God has preserved her.

As a tender shoot grows,
desiring to sprout the beauty
of what it was created for;
I find undeniable feelings budding,
cautious not to satisfy oneself,
but ultimately to sprout
the glory of the magnificent King;

But if I know not what tomorrow will bring,
a presumptuous faith I should not build.
I find a resting place to cry out
"Let thy will be done".
Even if pure friendship was the intent,
I seek to embrace it with a thankful heart,
for I know God desires a surrendered will.
Nonetheless one prayer remains true always,
that God will timely lead her to
her prince He set aside from the start.

"God speaks in the quiet corners",
she says not only with conviction,
but with a firm resolution.
This corner I desire to give her
and faithfully pray for her.

I thank and praise the Lord.


kartini said...

It's a very gorgeous poem andrew :)
i like it and all the story that you wrote .. so romantic ...
and have hidden and deep...deep...deep meaning
i thought that you're in love now , am i wrong ? ha..ha...ha
what a lucky girl :)
if you don't mind tell me how it goes and i want to pray for your happiness . no matter how far you are , what is our nationality but We are united by CHRIST.
I'm happy if you're happy and I'm sad if you're sad , that's a friendship for :)

Don't forget to invite her to the next kids camp ya :)

Hopefully can see you guys !!!!

God gives you so many talents in're amazing friend


Anonymous said...

Thank God for leading you to potentially "The One".. Pray that God will continue to reveal His will to you.. =)