Monday 11 January 2010

Job offer

I have just been offered a job at a rather unique organisation, WTO. And no, it’s not trade, it’s toilet!

Over the past year, I have found an interest for Bottom of Pyramid (BOP) markets. Basically it’s doing business in the developing countries. My current job does not allow me to venture into BOP and I have been contemplating to move on to another job if the opportunity arises. Somehow, over the weekend, a relevant job just arose from nowhere! I did pray for God to open doors, but now when one relevant opportunity is staring right at me in the face, I am not exactly certain if it’s from God. Perhaps the fact that I did pray about it should reinforce the possibility that it’s of God.

I feel strange now because although this is an opportunity I have been dreaming of, I stand before this job opening with uncertainty, almost with fear and trembling. I am not sure if I would be up to the job. While I have been familiarizing myself with BOP, I am still not exactly sure what WTO does. A major consideration is also my career prospects. While I often share with confidence the potential of BOP markets, I am unsure if it can really feed my family in the future.

As I hear myself writing this, I realise that I am not meant to know everything that is ahead. I need to trust God.


Mi said...

Pray, till the peace of God overflowing in you, for the decision =)

I had mine, assurance to go forth, interestingly found in Heb 13 early last year.

Keeping you in prayer!

Mi said...

one more... have you consult ur parents? =) they might have some salts to share for your consideration.

Anonymous said...

hey.. great that your prayer for a job has been answered. Keep praying for God's confirmation l'm sure He'll speak to you =)