Friday 25 December 2009

Tearing my primary school report cards

Rev Edmund Chan preached at the Christmas Service today. I sat with the team whom I am going to Pekanbaru tomorrow and am extremely thankful for it was a very relevant message to prepare our hearts for the trip. Over the past few days, God has already been tutoring my heart that He is in control, a main point of the sermon. It's so amazing to be in tuned with God, knowing that He is speaking and the 'random' inspirations I have especially in my morning QT are indeed of God.

A joke was made in the message about a kid who saw his father's poor results in his own record card. A wild idea then came across me. I pictured myself tearing my primary school report books and scattering a few small pieces in the sea as I head to Batam tomorrow. This is not to prevent my future children from seeing my report card. I intend it to be a symbolic act of breaking away from this negative self worth because of my bad experience in primary school. Christ has already redeemed us and set us free. These acts merely act as a reminder and resolution to urge us ahead.

Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.-Phil 3:13-14

I am someone who finds it hard to throw things away. It wasn't easy to tear the report books. At several points, I thought that it's also meaningful to keep it as a memory from my childhood and where God has brought me from.

Could there be a natural inclination to keep to things of the past, to stay in our comfort zone?

I pray that whenever I am tempted to feel lousy as a poor primary school student, I would look back at this symbolic act and boldly proclaim "I am a new creation in Christ!" I look forward to scattering it across the seas tomorrow morning.....