Sunday 21 October 2007

End of mission week

Thank God for the mission week that passed. Four laymen missionaries from Boston came to Nottingham to give a series of talks in the evenings from Tue to Fri last week. The topics were very interesting, 'Which road are you on?', 'God's love', 'Is faith resonable', 'God's promise for China'. Elder He, Kathy, Elder Li and Elder Sung are very successful career-wise. Ranging from establishing two companies to a MIT graduate who is back now as a visiting lecturer, I see how worldly success can be used to glorify God. I saw how one of my friend's eyes lit up (like in the cartoons) when I mention that one speaker was from MIT. Guess to be able to capture people's interest is important too.

Attendance wasn't really very good. A reminder that reaching out to the mainland chinese is not easy, requires continual faith, patience and prayer. The sacrifices the team made in coming is evidence of God's concern and interest for the mainland chinese. It has been a fruitful trip. People gave their lives to God. Pray that these people would be faithful and powerful followers of Christ. I thank God for the people I managed to kidnap to the talks. I believe it's part of the process of sowing and believing :)

An interesting encounter was on Wed where I already successfully persuaded three people to go. 15 min before leaving the university, I was making a call to a friend when a guy whom I recently got to know walked by. His name is Matt. I cancelled the call and asked if he was keen to go to the talk that night. He said yes and even went back for the talk the following day. He turned out to be the most responsive and open amongst everyone I invited for the entire week though he wasn't in my mind since the start of the week. I thank God for this divine appointment and His ways and thoughts are above mine many many times fold.

It can be frustrating to see non-believers being so adamant on their own mindsets and ways which blinds them from seeing who God is. However, being a believer doesn't mean I do not do the same thing. God desires to work powerfully in and through me, but often I am blinded by my own assumptions and beliefs which narrows the highway to God. I pray for massive reconstructions and breaking down of barriers for a open highway in which there are no speed limits!

Sunday 14 October 2007

Evidence of God’s guidance

I have been seeking more actively the journey beyond my Phd in prayers, thoughts and conversations. There’s always this desire in me to walk the off-beaten track. Do not think I can ever be satisfied by the job of a typical engineer. Yes, business interests are there, but I have to be careful that the motivation behind that is not financial or recognition gains. The calling worth giving up everything in my life for is not merely to be a disciple of Christ, but to preach Christ through my life. I thank God for the testimony that He has made me so far. Someone who wasn’t able to gain entry into a local university is looking forward to, by God’s grace, return to Singapore with a doctorate. Really hope to inspire and encourage others of God’s amazing ways and sense of humor! There still resides in me this sense of fear of not living up to people’s expectations after I graduate, but it’s God that I seek to please and I can but rely on His strength for the trails ahead.

During my meeting with Thorsten on Friday, I shared about my desire to be an example of a Christian layman, specifically in the field of business. It’s a very bold statement to make at the moment because I know the slightest bit about business at this very moment. He advised me to speak to other Christians who are in similar fields.

This coming week, there is a group of four missionaries from Boston, US, leading a series of talks with an aim to reach out to the students from China here. They were at the Chinese fellowship led by Grace lee last Friday and I joined them instead of SR. Elder Lee was sharing about spreading the gospel. When he was sharing about his background, I was touched and convinced that God had intended for me to be there. He has excelled in different areas and set up a company based on some technology he has developed. Right now, he has sold the company and his heart is to serve God. God has already used him to inspire and encourage me and so through my life, I pray that it would point others to Christ as well.

A random thought from a walk with David, Tony, Sue, Dawn and Wilson in the Peak District on Sat. So often when I go walking through mud, dirt and puddles of water, I am so afraid of stepping into them and always make my way around them whenever possible. Man, I spent a hundred pounds on a pair of waterproof boots especially for this purpose! My boots are going to get dirty anyway, so why be so bothered by the water and dirt? I was reminded of the armor of God. I do not need to fear the things of this world with the armor of God. I began to walk more leisurely through it all. Of course I still had to be cautious and not foolishly dive into big pools of water.

Right now, as I am finishing up this blog on a Sunday night, I have to write about yet another dinner which I am sure did not happen by chance. Recently, there is a couple, Jonathan and Chin Ling who have been attending NCCC. Chin Ling gave birth to a baby daughter, Hannah just over a month ago. She’s one of the first babies I ever carried in my arms =) She has got very adorable and big eyes which just stares right straight at you. I definitely fail the test of being able to carry a baby without her crying. Guess I will need more experience. Though I cannot fully relate to what Jon and Ling are going through, but raising a child is definitely not easy, right from the start. I thank God for tonight, for being able to spend time knowing more about a brother. A time for sharing and mutual encouragement. I realise that Jon also has interest in business and he holds a doctorate. Saw God’s hand in there providing me with friends to be able to talk about my own career. Above all, I saw Jon’s heart in wanting to serve God. That is precious and I pray that God would kindle that passion in Him and give him divine appointments to be an instrument.

Thank God for this entire weekend. Pray that God would continue to use the mission talks this week to break down barriers and bring people to faith in Him.

Saturday 6 October 2007

Wonderful Sat morning

Spent the morning and half the afternoon so far at home writing emails to people, spending time with my family here in Mark's house and writing up my thesis. Feeling really satisfied now after going full steam in my thesis for the past two hours. My head also feels very heavy now and decided to blog in taking a break and am reminded of something in the movie, 'Karate Kid'.

Haha, again, I got something to say about a movie. This one dates long long time back, the first Karate Kid movie where Daniel Son is learning karate from this old japanese man named Miyagi. During the start of the training, Miyagi said to Daniel, 'When you walk on the road, walk on the left, you're safe. Walk on the right, you're safe. Walk in the middle, 'Squashhhhhhhh' you will be squashed like a grape' It's about whole-heartedness.

Sitting on the fence is always very dangerous, you do not know where you are. God detests lukewarmness. If I commit to something, I better give it my all, if not, don't bother.

I was reminded about this as when I find myself really focused on my research, I realise the importance of single-mindedness. Previous distractions seems to fade in the background. Yes, I am sure finishing this Phd is what God wants me to focus at this moment. Woohoo :)

Monday 1 October 2007

Congratulations Daniel

Dedicating this entry to a dear brother who has been a blessing. We have been mugging in the office for the past month especially, often till 2-3am. He just handed in his dissertation today. Will definately miss seeing this person writing dissertation/facebook/msn whenever I walk out of the office. Not to forget heart to heart sharing while enjoying wine bought from Portugal and eventually Sainsbury.

Realise that God puts different people in our lives at different seasons for different reasons. Daniel has definately opened my eyes to be more people-focused. Often it takes effort for me to love people and it's inspiring to see how he build bridges with people in the office. Will definately not see Daniel as often as before, but memories remain and definately the bond will always be there.

So bro, looking forward to attend your wedding after all our talk about girls, haha :p Anticipating how many children you are going to have also!