Sunday 5 October 2008

Getting involved in Sunbeam

Feel werid at the moment. Helped out for the first time in sunday school for primary school children-Sunbeam.

I feel it's where the rubber hits the road. Above all my intellectual discussion of God's love, Sunbeam is where I am forced to walk the talk. J shared with me 'It's not about controlling the children, but communicating with them'. It really helped alot to shift my perspective from my own inexperience to deal with children to simply seeing them from God's perspective. Some were really rebellious and naughty!
With children, one has to talk the initiative, i.e., talking to children even when they do not respond!

Am not entirely sure if Sunbeam is the place where I should serve, but it will certainly force me to depend on God (and thus walking the talk). I do not have a bubbly nature and so I will just have to let go of myself and focus on making a difference in the lives of the children. God, lead and guide me.

Wednesday 1 October 2008

Email to friends: Reflection from news

Email sent to friends:

One cannot make sense of what's happening around the world these days. Events beyond anyone's wildest imagination are occuring at alarming rates with global impacts.

We are caught unaware and unprepared. Our perspectives change because life may not seem so secure after all. Plans change because of the year end bonus. If the largest banks in the world can collapse, how can one pin life (fulfillment, enjoyment, etc) on the condominium and the one million that we plan to make in the future? Well, maybe with proper planning and under the wings of the government, we will not be so 'suay' to land ourselves into deep troubles. But can one offer any guarantees that Singapore will stay the way it is even in the next 5, 10, 20 years? Are we 100% safe from devastating earthquakes? One lesson to be learnt even in the recent years of the world's history is 'Never say never'.

One question we should ask is 'What exactly is certain then?'. Conversations often carry sacarsm and relationships tinted by the lack of absolute trust because we have all been biten by deception-what's seen is not what it really is. Our world is gravitated towards the exterior when it's the credibility of the interior that matters.

I cannot help but feel there is something amiss in this world. Maybe others sense it too and if so how do they cope with it? I guess an easy option would be to accept it as part of life and not think about it. It's scary how most people live through a routine and not pause to think about life itself outside work, family and relationships. We are created too wonderful a creature to be incidental here on earth to lead a routine life.

The beginning of a wiser perspective to life is to be aware of the frailty of this world and life itself without losing the significance we were made to be.